Advantage Crop Protection Products

Glufosinate 150SN 

ADVANTAGE Glufosinate-ammonium 150 SN Herbicide and Desiccant may be used as a harvest aid (desiccant) in the labelled crops. ADVANTAGE Glufosinate-ammonium 150 SN Herbicide and Desiccant will also desiccate weeds present in the field at application. 

  • Protection Type

    Herbicide and Desiccant 

  • Weeds Controlled

    Herbicide, non-selective herbicide 

  • Application

    Ground and Aerial application 

  • Primary Crops

    Desiccation of Lentils, Potatoes, Alfalfa and RR Canola with Pod Shattering tolerant trait. 

  • Active Ingredients

    glufosinate ammonium | 150 g/L

Glufosinate 200SN


  • Protection Type


  • Weeds Controlled

    Herbicide, non-selective herbicide

  • Application

    Ground application only 

  • Primary Crops

    LL soybeans, LL Canola and LL field corn 

  • Active Ingredients

    glufosinate ammonium 200 g/L 

Glyphosate 540

In cropping systems before planting of all crops; in minimum tillage systems; postemergent in Roundup Ready® canola and soybean; preharvest applications in wheat, barley, oats, canola (rapeseed), flax (including low linolenic acid varieties), peas, lentils, dry beans, soybeans, chickpeas, dried lupin, dried fava beans and forages; in pasture renovation; in forage, legume and grass establishments

  • Non-Cropland Uses

    Industrial; recreational, rights-of-way, public areas, and turf grass renovation. 

  • Protection Type

    Herbicide, non-selective herbicide 

  • Weeds Controlled

    Herbicide, non-selective herbicide

  • Application

    air or ground 

  • Primary Crops

    RR crops and non-selective herbicide for use in fallow or pre and post-burn down. 

  • Active Ingredients

    Glyphosate, 540 grams acid equivalent per litre, present as potassium salt.

Glyphosate 360

ADVANTAGE GLYPHOSATE 360 is a non-selective, non-residual herbicide containing 360 g/L glyphosate (free acid) as isopropylamine salt, formulated as a water-soluble liquid. It is used for the control of most herbaceous weeds in agricultural and industrial sites. The product is absorbed through the foliage and translocated throughout the plant down to the root system.

  • Protection Type

    Herbicide, non selective herbicide 

  • Weeds Controlled

    Herbicide, non-selective herbicide

  • Application

    air or ground 

  • Primary Crops

    RR crops and non selective herbicide for use in fallow or pre and post burn down. 

  • Active Ingredients

    Glyphosate, 360 grams acid equivalent per liter, present as potassium salt. 

Ingenious 75DF

For selective post-emergence control of green foxtail, cleavers, volunteer flax and barnyard grass and suppression of annual and perennial sow-thistle in spring and durum wheat, spring barley, canary seed, canola, Clearfield canola quality Brassica juncea, and tame mustard 

  • Protection Type


  • Weeds Controlled

    green foxtail, cleavers, volunteer flax and barnyard grass and suppression of annual and perennial sow-thistle

  • Application

    ground only 

  • Primary Crops

    Canola, Wheat(spring and Durum), Spring Barley, Canary Seed, Brown and ​Oriental Mustard 

  • Active Ingredients

    Quinclorac | 75% DF 


For Desiccation of Pulse, Oilseed and Legume Forage Seed Crops, Weed Control in Vegetable and Field Crops, Control of Corn Spurry in Oats and Weed Control in Non- crop Land (rights of-way for transportation or utility corridors, airports, wasteland, garbage dumps and industrial parks). 

  • Protection Type

    Herbicide and Desiccant 

  • Weeds Controlled

    Herbicide, non-selective herbicide

  • Application

    air or ground 

  • Primary Crops

    Desiccation of Pulse, Oilseed and Legume Forage Seed Crops, Weed Control in Vegetable and Field Crops, Control of Corn Spurry in Oats 

  • Active Ingredients

    Diquat, present as diquat dibromide | 240 g/L 

Clethodim 240 EC

Advantage Clethodim 240 is a selective post-emergence herbicide for control of a broad range of grasses in canola, flax (including low linolenic acid varieties), field peas, lentils, Desi and Kabuli chickpeas, dry bulb onions, potatoes, yellow mustard, oriental (brown) mustard (condiment and oilseed types), soybeans, seedling alfalfa, sunflowers, dry common beans  

  • Protection Type


  • Weeds Controlled

    Foxtail (green, yellow) Wild oats Volunteer cereals (wheat, barley, oats) Barnyard Grass Witchgrass, Fall panicum Proso millet Volunteer Corn Volunteer canary grass, Wild Oats Volunteer cereals (wheat, barley, oats) Foxtail (green, yellow) Persian darnel
    Crabgrass (smooth and large) Proso millet Witchgrass Fall panicum Barnyard grass Volunteer corn Volunteer canary grass Quackgrass suppression 

  • Application

    Ground and Aerial application 

  • Primary Crops

    canola, flax (including low linolenic acid varieties), field peas, lentils, Desi and Kabuli chickpeas, dry bulb onions, potatoes, yellow mustard, oriental (brown) mustard
    (condiment and oilseed types), soybeans, seedling alfalfa, sunflowers, dry common beans  

  • Active Ingredients

    CLETHODIM | 240g/L 


For control of perennial and annual broadleaved weeds in field crops, Christmas tree plantations, pasture, rangeland, vegetable and fruit crops, and non-cropland.

  • Protection Type


  • Weeds Controlled

    Canada thistle (top growth) vetch (Vicia spp.) alsike clover 0.42 L/ha

  • Application

    Ground only

  • Primary Crops

    Canada thistle scentless chamomile wild buckwheat perennial sow-thistle (top growth) common groundsel volunteer alfalfa common ragweed sheep sorrel (suppression) ox-eye daisy (suppression) kudzu (for short term suppression of top growth) 0.56 L/haCanada thistle (season-long control of top growth with a reduction in population in the following year) kudzu (for up to season long suppression of top growth) 0.83 L/ha  

  • Active Ingredients

    clopyralid 360 g/L

Tebuconazole 250 EW


  • Protection Type


  • Diseases Controlled

    Fusarium Head Blight, Septoria Glume Blotch, Rusts, Septoria leaf blotch, Net Blotch, Scald, Powdery Mildew, Speckled Leaf Blotch, Crown Rust, Stem Rust, Black Stem,
    Asian soybean Rust, Frogeye leaf spot, Suppression of Powdery Mildew in Soybeans.Crabgrass (smooth and large) Proso millet Witchgrass Fall panicum Barnyard grass Volunteer corn Volunteer canary grass Quackgrass suppression 

  • Application

    Air or ground 

  • Primary Crops

    Wheat, (spring, winter, durum) Barley, Oats and Soybeans   

  • Active Ingredients

    Tebuconazole | 250 g/L 

Deltamethrin 5EC

Advantage Deltamethrin 5 EC is not a systemic product. It controls insects through contact and/or ingestion. 

  • Protection Type


  • Insects Controlled

    Beet webworm​
    Bertha armyworm​
    Cabbage seedpod weevil​
    Clover cutworm​
    Diamondback moth​
    Flea beetle​
    Lygus bug​

  • Application

    Air or ground 

  • Primary Crops

    Oriental mustard​

  • Active Ingredients


Foax Herbicide

A post emergence herbicide for control of wild oats, volunteer (tame) oats, green foxtail, yellow foxtail, barnyard grass, Persian darnel and volunteer canary seed in Spring wheat and Durum wheat.

  • Protection Type


  • Weeds Controlled

    wild oats, volunteer (tame) oats, green foxtail, yellow foxtail, barnyard grass, Persian darnel and volunteer canary seed

  • Application

    ground or aerial application

  • Primary Crops

    Spring and Durum wheat 

  • Active Ingredients

    Clodinafop-propargyl | 240 g/L


The Sprayer Cleaner that removes damaging residues from your sprayer

  • Protection Type

    Tank Cleaner 

  • Product Info

    Custodian™ is a balanced liquid formulation tank and equipment cleaner. It uses sequestrants and surfactants designed to trap and remove all pesticide residues. The product has been designed to keep your sprayer spotless both inside and out while targeting difficult to remove after spraying products such as glufosinate, dicamba and sulfonyl urea herbicides.
    Flushing with plain water will not remove sticky, oily pesticide residues which can build up in spray lines, filters and nozzle bodies over time, causing potential cross contamination and crop damage. Custodian removes the risk to the crop and the environment. 

Stick & Stay

Desposition Aid, Anti-drift and evaporation Control additive. 

  • Protection Type

    Utility Modifier

  • Application

    Add to spray water prior to adding chemical. 

  • Active Ingredients

    Activated Hydrocolloids 

  • Product Info

    Stick N Stay is a new and innovative utility modifier scientifically formulated to improve the delivery of agricultural chemicals by unleashing the diverse functionality of natural gums. 
    Attune, the makers of Stick N Stay, are relying on over 100 years of experience developing and commercializing natural gums in the food industry as the foundation for launching unique gum combinations to the agricultural market. 


Deposition Aid and Spray Drift Management 

  • Protection Type

    Utility modifier 

  • Application

    Add to spray water 

  • Active Ingredients

    Modified Vegetable oil, petroleum oil andalkyl ethoxylate 

  • Product Info

    DriftKnot may be applied with insecticides, herbicides and fungicides using ground or aerial equipment. Control of fine droplets that evaporate before reaching the target is critical to improving downwind particle movement and reducing vapour movement of pesticides.
    Invert technology is different than thickening agents allowing finer particles to penetrate further into the canopy resulting in better coverage for most pesticides. APP 

N Tense

Water Conditioner/Utility Modifier that widens the conditions under which glyphosate and other small organic acid herbicides may be applied and maintains the integrity of the spray diluent (water)

  • Protection Type

    Utility modifier 

  • Application

    Add to spray water 

  • Active Ingredients

    Monocarbamide dihydrogen sulphate, amine phosphates, viscosity reducing agents  

  • Product Info

    N TENSE is a specialized utility modifier that acts as a water conditioner and water buffer which widens the conditions under which glyphosate products are useful while maintaining the integrity of the spray diluent (water).
    N TENSE does not modify or enhance the physical or chemical characteristics of glyphosate products. Conditions that allow for wider use include: optimizing the pH of well, river or dug out water; minimizing calcium caking in sprayers and buffering spray water to keep the “herbicide active ingredient intact”.  

Clethodim Adjuvant

 To be used with Advantage Clethodim 240 as an adjuvant 

  • Type


  • Primary Crops

    All crops on Advantage Clethodim Label 

  • Active Ingredients


Reddy It

Water Conditioner/UTILITY MODIFIER that widens the conditions under which herbicide products such as glyphosate, diquat, auxins (dicamba, 2,4-D) and/or sulphonyl ureas can be applied and maintains the integrity of the spray diluent (water)** Replaces NIS or crop oil. 

  • Protection Type

    Utility modifier 

  • Application

    Add to spray mixture 

  • Active Ingredients

    pH adjuster and compatibility agents  

  • Product Info

    Balanced water conditioning – leading to rapid, superior penetration pH lowering means: 
    Better pesticide absorption and thus performance
    Less product remaining on the leaf surface and less vapour drift
    Reduced binding with divalent ions.